Инфоурок Другое ПрезентацииDescribing Myself and My Interests

Describing Myself and My Interests

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  • School 31Student : Kirill Korniencko
Form :     8-a
School : № 31
Teacher :...

    1 слайд

    School 31
    Student : Kirill Korniencko
    Form : 8-a
    School : № 31
    Teacher : A. U. Alecksandrova
    Describing Myself and My Interests

  • Contents 
About myself 


Moscow is the capital of my Motherland


    2 слайд


    About myself


    Moscow is the capital of my Motherland

    My native town Novocherckassk


  • My name is Kirill Korniencko. I am 13 and I am a pupil of the eighth form...

    3 слайд

    My name is Kirill Korniencko. I am 13 and I am a pupil of the eighth form of school №31. I live in Novocherckassk, Rostov region in the South of Russia.

  • My family is not very big. We are four: my father, my mother, my little broth...

    4 слайд

    My family is not very big. We are four: my father, my mother, my little brother and me. Our family is friendly and industrious.

  • I like to play football, watch TV, read books, play computer games and play w...

    5 слайд

    I like to play football, watch TV, read books, play computer games and play with my little brother. I have many friends because I am rather sociable.

  • My best friend is Nickita Fetisov. He is my classmate. He is sociable, intell...

    6 слайд

    My best friend is Nickita Fetisov. He is my classmate. He is sociable, intelligent, polite and friendly. He likes to play football and basketball, to go for a walk and to play computer games. Very often we go for a walk, discuss problems, do homework and play computer games together.

  • There are many subjects in my timetable. I study: maths, physics, Russian and...

    7 слайд

    There are many subjects in my timetable. I study: maths, physics, Russian and English languages, history, Arts, geography, science and others. I am good at history, English, mathematics and geography. I am fond of my school because I can get useful knowledge and communicate with my friends there.

  • I like traveling because it is very interesting and it is the main reason f...

    8 слайд

    I like traveling because it is very interesting and it is the main reason for learning English at school. I know that English is the global language because about 20% of the worlds population speak it. It is the language of communication. I do my best studying English because I'll need it for my future education, profession and especially for round-the-world traveling. I want to visit English-speaking countries. I have read something about London, the capital of the UK but I want to go there to know more.

  • LondonLondon is a very big city and the capital of the United Kingdom of Grea...

    9 слайд

    London is a very big city and the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. London is a political centre. Here you can see the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace. The country's leaders speak in the Houses of Parliament.

  • The oldest part of London is called the City. It is small, but very important...

    10 слайд

    The oldest part of London is called the City. It is small, but very important. Two thousand years ago a town was built here. For hundreds of years people lived and worked there, but now very many of the old houses are gone. Thousand of people come here every morning to work in large offices.

  • The coronation of all British Kings and Queens takes place in Westminster Abb...

    11 слайд

    The coronation of all British Kings and Queens takes place in Westminster Abbey. It is a symbol of England. Some famous English people are also buried here.

  • London is a historical and culture centre. It is one of the most famous a...

    12 слайд

    London is a historical and culture centre. It is one of the most famous and interesting cities in the world. There are lots of places to visit in London: museums (the British museum, the MOMI, Natural History Museum, Madam Tussaud's museum), art galleries, theatres, cinemas and stadiums. Tourists in London always want to visit Westminster, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square and the Tower of London.

  • London is rich in large and beautiful parks and gardens: Hyde Park with sp...

    13 слайд

    London is rich in large and beautiful parks and gardens: Hyde Park with speaker‘s Corner, Green Park, St. James‘s park, the oldest London park, Regent‘s Park with London zoo and Kensington Gardens with the statue of Peter Pan. It is worth to visit London.


  • It is very interesting for me to see different countries and to get inform...

    14 слайд

    It is very interesting for me to see different countries and to get information about the life of different peoples, their traditions and customs. But I am from Russia, it is a great country. I think I must know about Russia, its towns and cities, as much as I can because it is my Motherland.

  • Moscow is the Capital of Our Motherland Moscow is the largest and the most be...

    15 слайд

    Moscow is the Capital of Our Motherland
    Moscow is the largest and the most beautiful city and the capital of the Russian Federation. The history of Moscow began in the year 1147.

  • Moscow is a political,   industrial, cultural and educational centre of ou...

    16 слайд

    Moscow is a political, industrial, cultural and educational centre of our country. The city has thousands of factories. They produce machines, cars, clocks, toys, sweets and many other things. There are a lot of libraries, museums, art galleries, theatres and monuments in Moscow.

  • Tourists always want to visit the Kremlin, the residence of the Russian presi...

    17 слайд

    Tourists always want to visit the Kremlin, the residence of the Russian presidents, Red Square, Arbat Street, Novodevichy Monastery and Tverskaya Street.

  • There are a lot of libraries in Moscow. The State Library, for example, is...

    18 слайд

    There are a lot of libraries in Moscow. The State Library, for example, is one of the biggest in the world. It has millions of books, magazines and newspapers.

  • Moscow is rich in museums. Such as the Pushkin museum, the Tretyakov   Galler...

    19 слайд

    Moscow is rich in museums. Such as the Pushkin museum, the Tretyakov Gallery and the famous Kremlin museums and churches. Many people want to visit the wonderful Bolshoy theatre. We are proud of Moscow, the capital of our country.

  • My native town is Novocherckassk. It is a small town in the south of Russ...

    20 слайд

    My native town is Novocherckassk. It is a small town in the south of Russia. Novocherckassk is founded more than 200 yeas ago. It is the capital of Don Cossacks. Novocherckassk is an industrial, cultural and educational centre of our region.

    Of all cities and towns of the world I prefer my native town.

  • There are a lot of big enterprises in our town. For example: the Novocherckas...

    21 слайд

    There are a lot of big enterprises in our town. For example: the Novocherckassk Electric Locomotive Building Plant, the electrode plant, the Chemical Enterprise and others.

  • Novocherckassk is rich in sights: the famous Vosnesenskiy Cathedral, the At...

    22 слайд

    Novocherckassk is rich in sights: the famous Vosnesenskiy Cathedral, the Ataman Palace, the Don Cossacks museum and many beautiful buildings.

  • We have some well-known monuments to Ataman Platov, the founder of our town,...

    23 слайд

    We have some well-known monuments to Ataman Platov, the founder of our town, and Ermack.

  • The tourists can see beautiful streets and squares in the centre of the to...

    24 слайд

    The tourists can see beautiful streets and squares in the centre of the town: Platov square, Moscowskaya street and Ermack avenue.
    Novocherckassk is called the town of students because there are four universities and many colleges there. I love my town very much.

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