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Applying for a job

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  • Презентация к уроку английского языка “Applying for a job” (Writing a lette...

    1 слайд

    к уроку английского языка “Applying for a job”
    (Writing a letter of application)
    для 9 класса.
    УMK Биболетовой М. З.
    Учитель английского языка
    МБОУ гимназии №19 имени Н.З.Поповичевой г. Липецка
    Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна.

  • Fascinated by wildlife?Do you what it takes to live in sub – zero tempera...

    2 слайд

    Fascinated by wildlife?
    Do you what it takes to live in sub – zero temperatures?
    The Antarctic Research Project is looking for helpers.
    You will be a part of a team spending 18 months studying Antarctic wildlife.
    For further information: phone 02134 568827
    •fascinating •adventurous •tiring •boring •important •uncomfortable

  • ...

    3 слайд

    21 Alexis Mansions
    N14 7FD

      21st August 2011
    The Antarctic Research Project
    15 Queen's Road
    London SW2 WPD

    Dear Sir or Madam,
    I am¹___ in ²__for the job of helper with the Antarctic Research Project, advertised in the London Times on 18 August.
    My reasons for wishing to ³_______the team are that I have always been ⁴____by wildlife and I would very much like to ⁵_______my knowledge of wildlife by doing research of this kind.
    I⁶_______my Curriculum Vitae.⁷______you will see, I have worked in ⁸_______veterinary practices in my⁹_______ time and have spent some time in the north of England ¹⁰______a vet during the lambing season.
    I¹¹___forward to¹²___from you.
     Yours faithfully,
     Adrian Roberts
     Adrian Roberts
    Ex 1. Read the letter and put the missing words in gasps 1 – 12.
    •join •two •expand •spare •enclose (прилагать) •hearing •helping •as •fascinated •applying •interested •look

  • ...

    4 слайд

    21 Alexis Mansions
    N14 7FD

      21st August 2011
    The Antarctic Research Project
    15 Queen's Road
    London SW2 WPD

    Dear Sir or Madam,
    I am interested in applying for the job of helper with the Antarctic Research Project, advertised in the London Times on 18 August.
    My reasons for wishing to join the team are that I have always been by fascinated wildlife and I would very much like to expand my knowledge of wildlife by doing research of this kind.
    I enclose my Curriculum Vitae. As you will see, I have worked in two veterinary practices in my spare time and have spent some time in the north of England helping a vet during the lambing season.
    I look forward to hearing from you.
     Yours faithfully,
     Adrian Roberts
     Adrian Roberts

  • Applying for a job(Writing a letter of application)

    5 слайд

    Applying for a job
    (Writing a letter of application)

  • 21 Alexis Mansions...

    6 слайд

    21 Alexis Mansions
    N14 7FD

    21st August 2011
     The Antarctic Research Project
    15 Queen's Road
    London SW2 WPD

    Dear Sir or Madam,
    I am interested in applying for the job of helper with the Antarctic Research Project, advertised in the London Times on 18 August.
    My reasons for wishing to join the team are that I have always been by fascinated wildlife and I would very much like to expand my knowledge of wildlife by doing research of this kind.
    I enclose my Curriculum Vitae. As you will see, I have worked in two veterinary practices in my spare time and have spent some time in the north of England helping a vet during the lambing season.
    I look forward to hearing from you.
     Yours faithfully,
     Adrian Roberts
     Adrian Roberts
    Curriculum Vitae
    Adrian Roberts
    Phone:2001 567 3456 21 Alexis Mansions
    Date of birth: 19 June 1993 London
    Age: 18 N14 7FD
    Nationality: British citizen
    Hillside Secondary School, London
    2011 General Certificate of Secondary Education
    Maths, Geography, Physics, Biology, Chemistry,
    English, History
     2000 Advanced Level examinations
    Chemistry, Physics Biology, Geography
    Editor of the school magazine
    Represented the school at cricket, football, chess, swimming
    Work experience
    2009 London Weekly: assistant typist
    2010 Winchmore Veterinary Practice, Brighton
    2011 Helping at a Veterinary Practice, Bowett, Yorkshire
    Member of the local Scout group
    Rock climbing
    Sports diver
    Dr Peter Murray Mr Charles Rowell

  • 1. Relevant skills or knowledge2. Reasons for applying for the job.3....

    7 слайд

    1. Relevant skills or knowledge
    2. Reasons for applying for the job.
    3. Particular points in the CV that show experience is relevant.
    4. Why he is writing the letter.
    5. Reference to the CV enclosed.

    Ex. 2 Put the information in the correct order.

  • Ex. 3 Choose the correct preposition in each sentence.1.   I don't like the...

    8 слайд

    Ex. 3 Choose the correct preposition in each sentence.
    1. I don't like the idea of working in/for/by someone.
    2. Paul joined us to/for/as a research assistant.
    3. To join a team as/of /for experts, ring this number.
    4. A knowledge in/of /for wildlife is desirable.
    5. I have always enjoyed working for / with / by animals.
    6. Send in a CV when applying in / to/for a job.
    7. I am interested for/in/ to the job advertised.
    8. Maria has always been fascinated in / with /by wildlife.
    9. Sam represented his school of /at/with sports.
    10. We look forward to /of /for hearing from you.

  • Dear Sir or Madam,I would like to apply of the job of helper on the Reasear...

    9 слайд

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I would like to apply of the job of helper on the Reasearch project. My reasons to doing this are that I have always fasinated by the world of wildlife and I am very good in working in a team.
    I am putting my curiculum vitae. Because you will see, I have organised many events at school and have spent the some time working in an office at the weekends.
    I look forward to hear from you.

    Yours sincerely,
    Susanna Taylor
    Susanna Taylor

    Ex. 4 Find 13 mistakes and rewrite the letter.

  • Dear Sir or Madam,              I would like to apply for the job of helper...

    10 слайд

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I would like to apply for the job of helper on the Research project.
    My reasons for doing this are that I have always been fascinated by the world of wildlife and I am very good at working in a team.
    I enclose my Curiculum Vitae. As you will see, I have organised many events at school and have spent some time working in an office at weekends.
    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Yours faithfully,
    Susanna Taylor
    Susanna Taylor

  • 1. Write all the necessary personal information at the top.2. Write the name...

    11 слайд

    1. Write all the necessary personal information at the top.
    2. Write the name of your secondary school and any examination results.
    3. Write any responsibilities you have now or had in the past at school.
    4. List any work experience you may have had and when you did it.
    5. Think of any interests you have outside school.
    Write the name of at least one referee. It can be one of your teachers, or someone who knows you well.

    Writing tip
    Planning and writing a CV

  • Staff wantedWe are currently looking for porters, chef's assistant...

    12 слайд

    Staff wanted
    We are currently looking for porters, chef's assistant, pool attendants and bar staff for summer work all over the Mediterranean on a luxury cruise liner.

    Minimum period - two month
    Accommodation and meals provided
    Previous experience not essential
    Send your CV and a letter of application to…

  • 13 слайд

  • PlanDear Sir/Madam, Introduction(Paragraph 1...

    14 слайд

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    (Paragraph 1) explain why you are writing
    Main Body
    (Paragraph 2) your reasons for wanting the job
    (Paragraph 3) some brief reference to your interests, skills and experience which may suggest that you are suitable for the job
    (Paragraph 4) closing remarks
    Yours faithfully,
    (your signature)
    (your full name)

  • HOMEWORK:Write your CV and a letter of application. You...

    15 слайд

    Write your CV and a letter of application. You are going to apply for one of the jobs in this advertisement. Use the plan, the writing tip, Adrian`s letter and the CV on page 162 (ex23) in your text book as a model.
    (100-120 words)

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