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  • English Rush Lopatina M. V.
School 1

    1 слайд

    English Rush

    Lopatina M. V.
    School 1

  •          Knowledge is power. 

               Live and learn.

    2 слайд

    Knowledge is power.

    Live and learn.

  • Our program Names of famous people

Describing pictures

Making up a story


    3 слайд

    Our program
    Names of famous people

    Describing pictures

    Making up a story

    Proverb quiz

    Country quiz

  • 1. Who are these famous Britons?W. Shakespeare,     Prince William,    Ch. Ch...

    4 слайд

    1. Who are these famous Britons?
    W. Shakespeare, Prince William, Ch. Chaplin, Elizabeth II, Beatles, D. Backham, Elizabeth l, D. Radcliffe, Prince Charles

  • 2. You can see these objects in a town. What are they? Put the letters in the...

    5 слайд

    2. You can see these objects in a town. What are they? Put the letters in the correct order.

  • Were you right?streetshopbridgemuseumroad

    6 слайд

    Were you right?

  • 3rd task. Describe the picture.

    7 слайд

    3rd task. Describe the picture.

  • Describe the picture.

    8 слайд

    Describe the picture.

  • Describe the picture.

    9 слайд

    Describe the picture.

  • Proverb and Saying Quiz

    10 слайд

    Proverb and Saying Quiz

  • Proverbs and Sayings Quiz1. What should you never say?
2. What...

    11 слайд

    Proverbs and Sayings Quiz
    1. What should you never say?
    2. What can you kill two birds with?
    a bone
    a stone
    a coal
    3. What wasn't built in one day?
    4. What is it no use doing over spilt milk?
    5. What is before pleasure?
    6. What keeps doctor away?
    An orange a day
    An apple a day
    Five nuts a day

  • Were you right?1. You should never say die.
2. You can kill two birds with...

    12 слайд

    Were you right?
    1. You should never say die.

    2. You can kill two birds with one stone.

    3. Rome wasn't built in one day.
    4. It is no use crying over spilt milk.

    5. Business is before pleasure.

    6. An apple a day
    keeps doctor away.

  • Match proverbs and their Russian equivalents. As you make your bed, so you mu...

    13 слайд

    Match proverbs and their Russian equivalents.
    As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.
    First think, then speak.
    Curiosity killed the cat.
    Tastes differ.
    The leopard cannot change its spots.
    Горбатого могила исправит.
    О вкусах не спорят.
    Семь раз отмерь, один раз отрежь.
    Как потопаешь, так и полопаешь.
    Любопытной Варваре на базаре нос оторвали.

  • You can check your answers now. As you make your bed, so you must lie on it....

    14 слайд

    You can check your answers now.
    As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.
    First think, then speak.
    Curiosity killed the cat.
    Tastes differ.
    The leopard cannot change its spots.
    Как потопаешь, так и полопаешь.
    Семь раз отмерь, один раз отрежь.
    Любопытной Варваре на базаре нос оторвали.
    О вкусах не спорят.
    Горбатого могила исправит.

  • What? and Where?QUIZ

    15 слайд

    What? and Where?

  • 1.What is it? Where is it?  Loch Ness is a large and very deep lake in Scotland.

    16 слайд

    1.What is it? Where is it?
    Loch Ness is a large and very deep lake in Scotland.

  • 2 What is it? Where is it?Stonehenge is the most famous prehistoric monument...

    17 слайд

    2 What is it? Where is it?
    Stonehenge is the most famous prehistoric monument in England built more than 4 500 years ago.

  • 3 What is it? Where is it?The Statue of Liberty is a monument in New York pre...

    18 слайд

    3 What is it? Where is it?
    The Statue of Liberty is a monument in New York presented Americans by French people.

  • 4 What is it? Where is it?St Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow is a unique monumen...

    19 слайд

    4 What is it? Where is it?
    St Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow is a unique monument of Russian architecture of the XVI century.

  • 5 What is it? Where is it?Buckingham Palace is London home of the Queen and...

    20 слайд

    5 What is it? Where is it?
    Buckingham Palace is London home of the Queen and her family.

  • 6 What is it? Where is it?“The Globe” is a theatre in London. William Shakesp...

    21 слайд

    6 What is it? Where is it?
    “The Globe” is a theatre in London. William Shakespeare wrote plays for it.

  • 7 What is it? Where is it?Edinburgh castle is a huge and very beautiful castl...

    22 слайд

    7 What is it? Where is it?
    Edinburgh castle is a huge and very beautiful castle in the capital of Scotland. It stands on a large rock.

  • 8 What is it? Where is it?Westminster Palace is the place in London where th...

    23 слайд

    8 What is it? Where is it?
    Westminster Palace is the place in London where the British Parliament seats.

  •      Do you know Britain well?

    24 слайд

    Do you know Britain well?

  • Match the flags and the countriesBritain  2. England   3. Scotland  4. Wales...

    25 слайд

    Match the flags and the countries
    Britain 2. England 3. Scotland 4. Wales 5. Northern Ireland

  • Match countries and symbols.1. England   2. Scotland   3. Wales   4. North...

    26 слайд

    Match countries and symbols.
    1. England 2. Scotland 3. Wales 4. Northern Ireland

  •        Name festivals35214

    27 слайд

    Name festivals

  •     Thanks a lot    for your work!!!

    28 слайд

    Thanks a lot
    for your work!!!

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  • Автор материала

    Лапшина Валерия Андрееевна
    Лапшина Валерия Андрееевна
    • На сайте: 3 года и 4 месяца
    • Подписчики: 0
    • Всего просмотров: 81582
    • Всего материалов: 228

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Организация деятельности библиотекаря в профессиональном образовании


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Специалист в области охраны труда

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Руководство электронной службой архивов, библиотек и информационно-библиотечных центров

Начальник отдела (заведующий отделом) архива

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Каналы сбыта, продвижение и стимулирование продаж

5 ч.

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Психология детей и подростков с дромоманией

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Современные подходы к духовно-нравственному воспитанию дошкольников

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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