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The Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings

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  • The Anglo-Saxons and the VikingsTeacher: Kuznetsov P.S.
School: State Compre...

    1 слайд

    The Anglo-Saxons
    and the Vikings
    Teacher: Kuznetsov P.S.
    School: State Comprehensive School № 113
    Form: 6 B

  • The contents of the work:
1.What do you know about the history of Britain (q...

    2 слайд

    The contents of the work:
    1.What do you know about the history of Britain (quiz)
    2. The Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings (listen and look at the pictures)
    3) The British history from the 5th to 9th century (test)

  • What do we know about the history of Britain? Quiz

    3 слайд

    What do we know about the history of Britain?

  • Who were these people? 
What did they do in Britain?

    4 слайд

    Who were these people?
    What did they do in Britain?

  • They were the Romans. 
They invaded Britain in AD 43 .  
They stopped tribal...

    5 слайд

    They were the Romans.
    They invaded Britain in AD 43 .
    They stopped tribal wars, built roads and cities.

  • Who was this woman? 
What was she famous for?

    6 слайд

    Who was this woman?
    What was she famous for?

  • This woman was Queen Boadicea.  
The Iceni tribe, led by Boadicea, revolted a...

    7 слайд

    This woman was Queen Boadicea.
    The Iceni tribe, led by Boadicea, revolted against the Romans. She and her soldiers were surrounded and had to give in. Queen Boadicea and her daughters didn’t want to be the Romans’ prisoners and took poison.

  • What was this man’s name? 
What did he do in Britain?

    8 слайд

    What was this man’s name?
    What did he do in Britain?

  • This man was Julius Caesar. He attacked Britain in 55 BC. The Britons fought...

    9 слайд

    This man was Julius Caesar. He attacked Britain in 55 BC. The Britons fought desperately but soon fled. After the victory Caesar soon left Britain.

  • What is it? What was it used for?

    10 слайд

    What is it? What was it used for?

  • This is Hadrian’s wall. It was built by the Emperor Hadrian to protect the Ro...

    11 слайд

    This is Hadrian’s wall. It was built by the Emperor Hadrian to protect the Romans from the attacks of Scots and Picts.

  • The Anglo-Saxons and                     the VikingsListen and look at the pi...

    12 слайд

    The Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings
    Listen and look at the pictures

  • The Anglo-Saxons were making raids against the British in the 5th and 6th  ce...

    13 слайд

    The Anglo-Saxons were making raids against the British in the 5th and 6th century. At last they invaded the central Britain and controlled it.

  • The Anglo-Saxons founded a lot of kingdoms:

    14 слайд

    The Anglo-Saxons founded a lot of kingdoms:

    East Anglia

  • In 789 the Vikings began to attack the British Isles. In 870 only Wessex was...

    15 слайд

    In 789 the Vikings began to attack the British Isles. In 870 only Wessex was left to resist them.

  • The King of Wessex was Alfred the Great.                 While he was a  king...

    16 слайд

    The King of Wessex was Alfred the Great. While he was a king:

    Many people went to school for the first time in their lives
    He created a big army and built a fleet of warships
    He fought hard against the Vikings

  • King Alfred and the Vikings made a treaty. 
They agreed that the Vikings woul...

    17 слайд

    King Alfred and the Vikings made a treaty.
    They agreed that the Vikings would live in an area called the Danelaw, where they could follow their traditions and obey their law

  • The British history from the 5th to 9th century  Quiz

    18 слайд

    The British history from the 5th to 9th century

  • Who invaded Britain in 5th and 6th century? 

The Vikings ?
 the Anglo-Saxo...

    19 слайд

    Who invaded Britain in 5th and 6th century?

    The Vikings ?
    the Anglo-Saxons ?
    the Scots ?

  •   b) The Anglo-Saxons!

    20 слайд

    b) The Anglo-Saxons!

  •   How many kingdoms did the Anglo-Saxons found? 


    21 слайд

    How many kingdoms did the Anglo-Saxons found?


  •   c) Seven!

    22 слайд

    c) Seven!

  •   Who began to attack Britain in 789?

The Vikings?
The Anglo-Saxons?
The Scots?

    23 слайд

    Who began to attack Britain in 789?

    The Vikings?
    The Anglo-Saxons?
    The Scots?

a) The Vikings!

    24 слайд

    a) The Vikings!

  •   Who was the great king of Wessex? 


    25 слайд

    Who was the great king of Wessex?


c) Alfred!

    26 слайд

    c) Alfred!

  •   What did king Alfred create? 

 Hadrian’s wall?
An army and a fleet?

    27 слайд

    What did king Alfred create?

    Hadrian’s wall?
    An army and a fleet?

b) An army and a fleet!

    28 слайд

    b) An army and a fleet!

  •   How was the Vikings’ area called?

 the Danelaw?
b) Sussex?
c) Kent?

    29 слайд

    How was the Vikings’ area called?

    the Danelaw?
    b) Sussex?
    c) Kent?

a) The Danelaw!

    30 слайд

    a) The Danelaw!

  •   Good luck, 
dear pupils!

    31 слайд

    Good luck,
    dear pupils!

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