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Personal letter

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  • Personal letter Style in letters 
Paragraph Plan for letters.
Разработала и п...

    1 слайд

    Personal letter
    Style in letters
    Paragraph Plan for letters.
    Разработала и провела имитативное занятие учитель английского языка 1 категории МОУ СОШ с УИОП №58
    Воронкова Марина Геннадьевна

  • Step 1
People write letters on different occasions.
Do you like to write lett...

    2 слайд

    Step 1
    People write letters on different occasions.
    Do you like to write letters?
    Do you like to receive letters?
    Who do you usually write letters to?
    Who do people write friendly letters to?
    Who do people write formal letters to?

  • Step 2
There are two styles in writing letters.

    3 слайд

    Step 2
    There are two styles in writing letters.

  • Step 3
Look at the 4 layouts and say which are formal and which are informal....

    4 слайд

    Step 3
    Look at the 4 layouts and say which are formal and which are informal. Prove your suggestions.

  • Step 4
There are various types of letters.
They are:-Letters of complaint,...

    5 слайд

    Step 4
    There are various types of letters.
    They are:-Letters of complaint,
    -letters asking for/giving information
    -letters of request
    -letters asking for/giving advice
    -letters of invitation
    -letters accepting/refusing an invitation
    -letters expressing thanks
    -letters of apology
    -letters of application for a job, etc

  • Step 5
1 Listen to the 2 letters & guess the reason for writing them....

    6 слайд

    Step 5
    1 Listen to the 2 letters & guess the reason for writing them.
    2 Listen to the 1 letter & answer the questions.
    -Is it friendly or formal?
    -How does it begin & end?
    3 Listen to the 2 letter & answer the same questions

  • Step 6
Paragraph Plan for Letters
Introduction: Paragraph 1 reasons...

    7 слайд

    Step 6
    Paragraph Plan for Letters
    Introduction: Paragraph 1 reasons for writing
    Main Body: Paragraphs 2 & 3, development of the subject
    Conclusion: Final Paragraph closing remarks

  • Step 7
Read the following sentences & put an F. for formal & an I for informa...

    8 слайд

    Step 7
    Read the following sentences & put an F. for formal & an I for informal language. Then say: a) which sentences can start or end a letter. b) what kind of letter each sentence belong to.
    1 I am writing to request your advice on a business matter.
    2 I look forward to receiving any information which might be of help.
    3 I’m writing to say how sorry I am for the misunderstanding.
    4 I trust this matter will receive your immediate attention
    5 Well, that’s all my news for now. Write back soon.

  • Step 8
Read the 2 letters and say the reason why they have been written. Comp...

    9 слайд

    Step 8
    Read the 2 letters and say the reason why they have been written. Compare and contrast them to find characteristics of formal and informal style. How many addresses are there in each letter? Fill in the table.

  • Step 9 
Match the beginnings with the endings, then identify the type of letter.

    10 слайд

    Step 9
    Match the beginnings with the endings, then identify the type of letter.

  • Step 10
Read Karen’s letter and answer the questions:
A) What kind of letter...

    11 слайд

    Step 10
    Read Karen’s letter and answer the questions:
    A) What kind of letter is it?
    B) How does it begin & end?
    C) Where & when will the event take place?
    Read Mr Stratton’s letter and answer the questions:
    What kind of letter is it?
    Is it formal or informal?
    What is the reason for writing this letter?
    D) How does it begin & end?
    E) How does the writer offer to make up for the mistake?

  • Step 11
Answer the following T/F statements.
Colloquail English can be used i...

    12 слайд

    Step 11
    Answer the following T/F statements.
    Colloquail English can be used in formal letters.
    You end a formal letter with “Yours, +first name”
    If you begin with “Dear Sir/Madam”, you must end with “Yours faithfully”
    Abbreviated forms can be used in informal letters.
    The introductory paragraph gives full details about the subject of the letter.
    The Passive Voice is not appropriate in a formal letter.

  • Step 11
You are going to write a personal letter.
Read the following topics a...

    13 слайд

    Step 11
    You are going to write a personal letter.
    Read the following topics and identify the type and style of each letter. Then write any of them in appropriate style using 120-180 words.

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